Saturday, October 18, 2008

Practice makes permenant

I've used certain words and phrases so much lately with my thesis preparation that I suspect I will be saying them in my sleep for weeks. Sometimes when I study a certain topic ad nauseum, especially when there's a lot of pressure involved, especially at night, I have uneasy dreams all night long where the topic I studied hangs silently in the background. It's more like I can't get my mmind to stop processing information than it is like an actual dream, I suppose.

That hasn't actually happened to me yet with my defense. I'm hoping that I will be able to successfully make it through the next three nights without such dreams. I'm also hoping I can avoid the dreams the night before a big event where everything that can go wrong does. On the plus side, these dreams are usually interrupted every hour, on the hour, by waking up and looking at the clock, positive that I overslept, and discovering that it's only 2 AM- then 3 AM- then 4 AM.

In any case, although the dreams haven't set in, I have definitely noticed that at moments when I'm not thinking about anything in particular, a swarm of words will creep into my mind. They're kind of obnoxious and I'll be glad when they've receded a little. They include such gems as:

in-situ hybridization
ribosomal DNA
45S locus counts
nick translation
center of origin
phenotypic plasticity
subsection Cellulata
alveolate seeds
Chenopodium berlandieri subs. zschackei
Incan staple crop

And many more! So fun! Yet I somehow still manage to get some of the words mixed up when practicing my presentation. The worst is that quite often when I mean to say the word "locus," the word that actually comes out of my mouth is "chromosome." This could be a problem if I don't catch myself.

Anyway, there's a little preview- for you unlucky people who aren't coming to my defense, reading that list should give you an idea of what it will be like, except that it will last about 45 minutes. So I guess you can read the list several times for the full effect. Bonus points to anyone who can work them all into a paragraph. Also, spellcheck doesn't like most of those words, either (but then again, it also doesn't like the word "spellcheck . . .").


lois said...

Hey. At least you don't talk in your sleep.
I really need to keep a record of what Lisa says I say.
Our favorite so far is me mimicking a motorcycle.
Hmmm. I'm so excited for you! Wahoo! Only two days and you'll be done!

Danielle said...

Good luck!!! I wish I could be there to hear all about all those great 45S locus counts. Keep us posted.

michael said...

how do you say whatchamawhoiecallit?
anyway, you spelled a word wrong!!! you spell make "make" not "mmake" (around the beginning)