Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Race You to the Top of the Mountain

As I was leaving work today, I discovered a text from Trevor on my phone indicating a hiking trip was in the works tonight. I haven't been hiking much this summer, so I ended up hiking to the top of Red Butte with Trevor and Tyler, and having a most enjoyable time.

As we sat on the peak of the hill and looked out across the valley, it hit all of us what a unique kind of beauty Salt Lake has. As we watched the red sun set until it met up with its reflection in the Great Salt Lake and vanished over the horizon, and the lights of the city slowly came on and began to twinkle, filling up the whole valley, we basked in the slowly receding desert heat. The beginnings of the evening canyon breezes curled down Emigration Canyon as the sounds of a thunderstorm further south wafted towards us.

We squinted at the beautiful panorama and were able to just make out all four temples in the Salt Lake Valley, starting with the nearest, Salt Lake itself, then moving much further south down the valley, to Jordan River, Oquirrh Mountain, and Draper. The half moon poked out from behind its shroud of stormclouds, tinged pink from the still-setting sun, and I sat in awe of this marvelous place that I live.

So marvelous. Life is so good. I love when the moon shines so bright and I can see the path clearly by its light. I love spending good time with good friends and discussing all things, silly and sober, along the way. I love it when my friends who are true mountaineers are patient with my slightly slower and more cautious approach to climbing hills. I love coming home from a tiring hike and letting the shower wash away all the grime. I love throwing my windows wide open to let the summer-ness of the night come in while I sleep. I am a blessed woman. And there are always more mountains to climb.

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